Thank you for considering a donation to Please note our EIN number and Certificate start date below and be assured that your donation whether it is fiscal, or material is going to a good cause.
EIN: 81-4970347
Certificate Date: 01/13/2017
The following is a listing of material donations that are always needed for our rescue mission:
Cleaning Supplies
Paper Towels
Laundry Detergent
Cat Litter
Dog Treats
Joint Supplements for Dogs
You can drop these off by appointment at
1798 Tanglewood Road
Orwigsburg, PA 17961
Call:570 617-8918
Donate by Check:
Furever Home Rescue
1798 Tanglewood Road
Orwigsburg, PA 17961
Click on the button below to donate by
Credit Card:
Or by using PayPal